Melody Maker
July 21, 1979
Review of 7-6-79, Hurrah

U.S. news

New York:
Davitt Sigerson

ON Friday I went to Hurrah where the Screamers were on the band-stand, showing what it takes to win the title of LA's most promising no-wave act. I loved them as, I hope, did James Chance (checking the competition on a quick visit).
   The drummer plays in conjunction with a rhythm machine, and the two keyboard players create guitarish jangles and unsettling drones (the latter effect enhanced by a pair of violinists). This competently-erected wall-of-sound is repeatedly scaled by a chap who calls himself Tomato Du Plenty. He harangues the audience in appropriate no-wave fashion, but with an evident wit and good-will. His cheeky saunter and small, angular features bring to mind a celtic Loki, or maybe the young Jimmy Cagney. Of course it's all thoroughly sub-post-"Sister Ray," but it'll do. Nothing like a couple of wan Junkies after all those healthy Long Island Girls.