They start with their love song, "Eva Braun", then they do some of their greatest hits, "Going steady With Twiggy", "You don't love me, you love Magazines", "Peer Pressure", and the infamous "Matar Dolores". Still don't know who we're talking about, do you? Relax, neither does the rest of the world. But not for long, kiddes! Because Slash, always on the crest of the wave in all
avant-garde matters, is proudly announcing an upcoming interview with THE SCREAMERS, L.A's most underground combo. The group that, asked to discribe their sound in one word answered "anxiety!", the one and only group in this galaxy to have done away with guitars and other lame gimmicks will very soon chat with us in these very pages, discussing everything from their stage ("a very controlled nervous breakdown") to punk noise to the Monkees!
   They might not look like your average rock n' roll outfit (see the following pages) and maybe their song won't hit the charts for a flew months but they ARE the future, and the whole deranged SLASH staff would rather sober up for the rest of their lives than ignore new musical directions! So, kiddies, stick with us and learn all about Tomata, Gear, K.K. and David, pioneers of what one of them calls the "NOUVEAU VAGUE SOUND", ...IN SLASH #2.
Photos by Steve Samiof and Melanie Nissen

Page 2, the Centerfold.