Slash Magazine #2, June 1977
(photos by Steve Samiof and Melanie Nissen)

Screamers Interview, Page Two

Slash: I remember dancing to it!
K.K.: Dancing to Martin Denny?! Quite an imagination!
Slash: Do you have a manager?
Gear: We manage ourselves.
K.K.: We manage to manage ourselves!
Slash: How long will you manage to manage yourselves?
Gear: If the right person comes along... somebody who is one of us... but not just some guy.
Slash: Are you in this for money or pleasure?
Tomata: No, we're very serious.
Slash: About what?
Tomata: All those screaming teenagers!
We want to see our faces on lunch- boxes!
Slash: Which piece of equipment do you need right now?
Tomata: I need a bullhorn.
K.K.: An electric toothbrush!
Slash: Do you work hard on stage?
Tomata: Our stage act is like a controlled nervous breakdown!
K.K.: We're choreographed by the confines of the stage, or beyond the confines of the stage!
Gear: It will be inspired by our audience's reaction.
Slash: How old is your ideal audience?
Gear: I went to Iggy, there was a woman in the lobby, about 85 years old, I couldn't believe it, so I said, "how did you like the show?", and she said, "I thought it was great!". That's the kind of audience I would like, in addition to people who share our sensibilities.
Slash: If you were not accepted, would you change your music?
Gear: Our music has come out of our lives, so if our experience changes our music will, but the basic quality won't.
Tomata: I feel confident we have a very good commercial appeal.
Slash: Will they play your single on KHJ?
K.K.: What's KHJ?
Slash: What's more important to you, albums or singles?
Gear: At this point, singles.
Slash: In Jamaica, they shoot DJs who play the wrong tunes on the air!
K.K.: Watch out, Rodney!
Gear: Rodney is a good force...
K.K.: A necessary magnet...
Slash: Are you prepared to compromise?
Tomata: You mean like prostitution?! (laughter)
Slash: Would you do "Louie, Louie"?
Tomata: We don't know the words!
Slash: Let's talk about your looks.
Gear: Have I given you strange looks?
Slash: What about the London'anti-fashion?
Tomata: Exciting!
Gear: I think couture is anti-fashion!
Tomata: I like the way the girls look... the fashions we like are not frozen...
Slash: How about the nazi paraphernalia?
Gear: I'll never be seen carrying a bayonet! ... Americans are really underprivileged as far as uniforms are concerned.
Slash: Would you wear it on stage?
Tomata: Only at private affairs!
K.K.: To a wedding!
Tomata: You were talking about people's reactions: we were walking from the Whiskey one night, these cars were driving by, started circling and throwing rocks at us!
Slash: Do you think what's happened to rock 'n' roll is pure science fiction?
Gear: Science fiction? It's science fact!
Slash: How do you get your hair to stand up like this?
Gear: We use vaseline. When you put it in, it doesn't really wash out, and the vaseline will collect the dust from the air, it gives your hair a very interesting texture. After a while the grease is gone, but your hair is like a mold... like a sculpture.
Slash: Just like the rastas?
Tomata: They're great!
K.K.: I'd like to-see the Pistols do reggae!
Gear: You wanted us to ask ourselves the question we always wanted to be asked... Well, Tomata will pose the question now.
K.K.: I want to see Tomata POSE the ques- tion!
Tomata: How do you feel when you see a young girl face down in the street? In the gutter?
David: Total complicity!
Tomata: I want to beat the shit outta her!
Gear: I feel sexual attraction!
K.K.: I want to turn her over...
Tomata: To see if she's done on the other side?
Gear: Another question: If you could do a benefit concert for a religion, which one would it be?
Tomata: Jehovah's witnesses!
Slash: Any plans, for the next two months?
K.K.: Japan, Pago-Pago, Madagascar ...
Tomata: Seriously, an EP and a tour.
Gear: And a lot more publicity.
K.K.: We want to meet all of our audience.
Slash: Do you think the Pistols are overdoing it in their anarchy stance?
K.K.: They're more into musical anarchy than social anarchy.
Gear: To make a point you have to be extreme...
Tomata: Anarchy relates there more than in California.
Gear: I think America will produce something distinctively American, but equivalent to what's happening there.
Slash: Thank you. What do you think SLASH is?
K.K.: The best magazine. We were so relieved the title wasn't STASH!